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Feed Your Face With Blueberries. Literally.

Beauty Reads by IJO
Feed Your Face With Blueberries. Literally.

Why are blueberries considered a superfood?

Blueberries have enormous benefits for human health. They are the highest food source of antioxidants, bursting in particular with anthocyanin: have you heard of that? They’re the single most important antioxidant blueberries contain. They improve blood circulation, help veins become stronger and, most importantly, fight free radicals that affect the well-being of the body, preventing cell damage - AKA better skin texture and more glow.

These tiny fruits are also jammed with potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium and they brim with vitamin A, B, C, E, making it a skin care hero inside out. 

But how are blueberries helpful for the skin?

Due to the presence of anthocyanin, these miracle berries support collagen synthesis, the key factor in maintaining skin elasticity. The texture of your skin improves, adding up glow and a touch of forever youthfulness. They are also ideal for sensitive skin as their extract protects from redness and itchiness, defending the skin from UV rays and slows down the ageing process.

Now... just imagine the glow your skin will get when you start including them in your skincare routine. HOW. COOL. 




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